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Community Tips for Hurricane Season

Florida Hurricane Tips

As the Atlantic hurricane season officially begins homeowners should begin preparing for potential hurricanes. This means not only looking out for your own property but your neighbor's homes as well.

"Particularly during times of severe weather neighbors should look out for each other and practice a sense of community" says Eileen Fitzgerald NeighborWorks America CEO. Below are some tips to follow to get ready for hurricane season.

1. Anticipate dangerous weather affecting your neighborhood.

Have a disaster-supply kit ready for you and your family to use. Stay informed so you're aware at all times of the situation and threats you may encounter.

2. Make a plan to evacuate. Ensure that everyone in your household knows what to do in the event of an emergency. Practice your evacuation route write it down and give every family member a copy. Lock up your home take all of your medications with you and take your pets with you.

3. Be a good neighbor particularly during times of severe weather.
Think of the elderly physically disabled and others in your immediate area who may need assistance evacuating their homes. If the power goes out some neighbors may need guidance on what immediate steps to take and how to stay calm. Check in with your neighbors to see where you can lend a hand. Do they have the food water and resources they need?

4. Make sure you have renters' or homeowners' insurance. Whether you are a homeowner or a renter ensure that you have purchased homeowner's or renter's insurance.

5. Put all important financial documents in one place that you can get to easily and take them with you in case of a severe weather emergency. If possible make electronic copies and email them to yourself in case paper documents are destroyed in a disaster. In addition consider sending copies to a family member out of town as a precaution. A copy of your home's deed should be among these important papers. A deed will make it easier for you to prove your house is yours in the event that public records are inaccessible or destroyed in severe weather. Take photos of all valuables.

Source: NeighborWorks America

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